Why not "No"?

Azra Khan
2 min readNov 19, 2020

Here is how to learn to say No...

It happens most of the time that someone asks a favor and we agree to them, knowing that it won’t be possible to do so!
Doesn’t it makes you wonder "what’s that resisting from saying No? "
This is a kinda question that bothers most of us.
As soon as this question sprung up in your mind and starts bothering you, then no need to worry just know it simply means that you can say No!

Why not "No"?

  • The problem is not that we are not confident but overconfident. At that time we became overconfident because we want to show that we are the most capable and efficient enough to do that task or any other kind of work. In doing so people forget about themselves and put a burden on their back.
  • The second reason that resists most of us from saying No is that we think it would be rude and a kind of harsh behavior towards the other person.
  • The third and most significant cause is that people try to flatter and praise others...

How to say "No"?

Saying No is no more a difficult task. Here are some of my findings on how to say No...

The most practical thing that’s necessary to learn is to analyze the circumstances. Keep aside all your efficiencies and capabilities because it’s not about you and whether can or can’t. Ask yourself a question " Would I be able to manage it or not?" If No then again question yourself " What it would cause to lose me?"
If you get an answer then summon up courage and simply say No. Saying No won’t harm you but saying Yes could.

Prioritize yourself and know your worth. If it's something that goes against you or it's beneath you, know that you, your time, and feelings are more precious and say No.

Don't try to please others because it is not your job. Pleasing and flattering others doesn't work, it would rather harm your personality and your inner self so keep your self-respect.

Last but not least be courageous and remember it’s not rude to say No. It means that you care about yourself and your priorities, that’s why you are not willing to do something or accepting things that are not on your priority list. Take "Saying No" as your first step towards self-love and honor.



Azra Khan

I am a child with an old soul. I see magic in everything, but at the same time, everything tires me because I feel everything so very deeply.